Helping Nature Help Us
A non-profit Foundation that raises funds to research climate change solutions.
Assisting in the funding of a product that works with nature in capturing carbon from the atmosphere during the growth of existing and replanted forest lands
Assisting in the funding of a product that improves water retention and water use efficiency
Assisting in the funding of a product that causes trees to be less combustible and more resistant to wildfire
Discover why your contributions to the Co2 Solved Foundation are important to solving the planet’s global crisis.
“We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it.”
Global Warming

According to NASA, The earth’s temperature has risen by 1.18° C since
1880. Nineteen of the twenty warmest years (from 1880 to 2020) have occurred
since 2000. All evidence points to increased levels of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere as the primary cause for rising temperatures.
In 2021, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) released a report noting that increased carbon capture is
required to avoid a climate catastrophe. This conclusion is supported
by many others, including The National Academies of Sciences,
Engineering and Medicine, which released a study warning that simply
reducing emissions “may not be enough to stabilize the climate” and
that carbon removal will “ likely be needed to meet global
climate goals.”
Trees are the best carbon capture technology in the world. When they
perform photosynthesis, they pull carbon dioxide out of the air, bind
it up in sugar, and release oxygen. The United States has
approximately 741 million acres of forest land.
Climate change increases the odds of worsening drought in many parts
of the United States and the world. Warmer temperatures enhance
evaporation, which reduces surface water and dries out soils and
vegetation. Droughts impact the timing and availability of water
supply and communities may have limited access to water for household use. Farming of agricultural products is challenged by water shortages and restrictions placed on water use. Warmer winter temperatures also diminishes snowfall, an essential water source for the estimated 1.9 billion residents of the Northern Hemisphere, including key regions like the Sierra Nevada of California. A decreased snowpack can be (and has been) a problem as many water management systems rely on spring snowpack melt.


Although human activities are mainly responsible for starting fires, hotter weather makes forests drier and more susceptible to burning. Once a fire starts, warmer temperatures and drier conditions make them harder to put out. Research shows that the increase in wildfires is directly related to changes in climate created by warmer, drier conditions, increased drought, and a longer fire season, all of which makes forests drier and more susceptible to burning. According to The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the eight larges wildfires in California history have occurred since 2007. Wildfires are predicted to worsen in the future due to rising temperatures and drier climates.
Foundation Story
About us
CO2 Solved Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit company which was
established to help fund research and development of a product
designed to limit the adverse effects of climate change. Our funding of
research and development of the product, university studies (and other
trials and studies) confirms that there is an effective and available
solution at this time to assist in significantly limiting climate change.
The patented product being researched and developed (called Solbere)
is an all- natural nontoxic product. When applied to plants and trees,
it functions like a sunscreen and protects against overheating. With
less environmental stress, the plant photosynthesizes longer, produces
more nutrients, captures more carbon from the air and releases more
oxygen. In addition to increased carbon capture, water retention and use efficiency is improved and trees become more healthy and less susceptible to wildfires.
Together we can make a difference in the battle against climate change.
About Our Founder
George B. Baker is a horticultural scientist interested in applied science. He exited college early to earn a living and had the opportunity to work with many gifted people and for wonderful companies over the span of his career. As a horticultural scientist George has produced a wide variety of chemistry from heart medicine to agricultural products for Eli Lilly, Bayer, Scotts, Simplot and the Wilber Ellis Company. He has worked alongside many outstanding doctorate researchers such as Dr. Luke Lam of LKT Labs, Dr. Rich Swartz of CIA Labs, Dr. Cliff Fairchild of Oregon State University and a host of very fine and brilliant people throughout the USA, Canada, Europe, South America and Asia. He holds a number of patents, including two for enhancing growth in horticultural plants. George’s recent efforts to find a solution for climate change – as well as the strain is puts on our water supplies and forest land – has been greatly informed by the work of Masamitsu Wada and associates. Chloroplasts accumulation and avoidance response has been the foundation for the research conducted by George, and his brother Tim, over the past five years. George’s passion for applied science and commitment to global climate change action continues today through the CO2 Solved Foundation.

University Studies
University of British Columbia Department of Forestry
In 2020 the University of British Columbia conducted a study of Pine tree seedlings treated with Solbere and a similar group without Solbere under various water stress conditions. Rates of photosynthesis and transpiration as well as height and diameter measurements were periodically taken. At the end of the six-month study, positive data was noted including increased biomass as much as 46%. (bigger trees equal increased carbon capture and lower seedling mortality rates). Significant increased water retention in the seedlings was also confirmed. (Increased water retention= healthier and more fire resistant trees)

Fresno State University Water Retention and Water Use Efficiency Studies
Other Studies
Christmas Tree Fire Mitigation Study
Toxicity Tests
Various Toxicity tests have been conducted on the Solbere product which confirm that it is non-toxic and completely safe.